Fertility Center

Fertility Center of BPK9 International Hospital was established with the intention of creating happiness for every spouse because we understand that having children is like a precious gift. We provide comprehensive services ranging from counseling to find the cause of infertility and paying attention to detail on every procedure with specialists in fertility, scientists and nurses in order to find the appropriate and effective treatment approach. Moreover, we also have various advanced technologies that aids in fertility covering from Ovarian Stimulation, Semen Collection and Semen Evaluation and Preservation process along with aseptic laboratory for embryo culture and fertilization and equipments under sterile system that are at the highest level of international standards for direct to the point treatment and fulfilling completeness of family.
Our Services
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)This procedure is suitable for spouses who have very few sperm to fertilize an egg spontaneously or have no sperm at all yet the testicles are still producing sperm. The procedure is using a small glass needle to inject only 1 sperm into 1 egg. Then, raised it to become an embryo and then inserted back into the uterus to increase the chance of having a child. This procedure is also used if the spouse wishes to diagnose a genetic disorder before pregnancy (PGD/PGS).
Pre-Pregnancy Genetic Disorder Diagnosis (PGD/PGS)- Diagnosis of genetic abnormalities of the embryo before implantation (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: PGD) is suitable for spouses who are concerned that they are carriers or have a genetic disease and pass on the disorder to their children. In general, spouses with infertility problems or recurrent miscarriages can experience up to 10% and 30% genetic abnormalities respectively. Genetic diseases cause both physical and mental effects on children and the spouses. Therefore, prevention before the disease is probably the best option. At present, NGS (Next generation sequencing) technology is used in the examination.
- Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) is a test which is a non-specific screening test for overall chromosomal normality. It is only a preliminary screening for chromosomal abnormalities which is in accordance with medical indications.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
It is a convenient and economical infertility treatment for couples without physical problems by collecting the male's semen during the female's ovulation day. Then, using a culture solution to separate only healthy sperm and inject it into the uterine cavity to increase the chances of fertilization with female eggs better.
Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT)
It is a treatment with a high pregnancy rate by taking the pierced egg mixed with the male sperm and then inserted back into the fallopian tube to achieve fertilization within the female fallopian tubes.
Array CGH anomaly detection technology (Array-based comparative genomic hybridization)
The technology detects all 24 chromosome abnormalities and detects missing or excess small chromosome fragments. It provides results with accuracy up to 98-99%. Array CGH increases the chances of pregnancy success and reduces the miscarriage rate.
Operating Hours :
Open Monday – Sunday, 08.00 – 20.00 hrs.
Fertility Center, 8th floor of BPK9 International Hospital
For more information :
Telephone: 02-109-9111 ext. 10810, 10811
Call Center: 1745