The Medical Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council, the Pharmacy Council, the Dental Council, Physical Therapy Council, the Medical Technology Council, and the Art of Healing Committee jointly announce the Declaration of Patient Rights and Responsibilities as follows:
- Every patient has the basic rights to receive health service as have been legally enacted in the Thai Constitution.
- Patients who seek medical services have the rights to receive their complete current information in order to thoroughly understand about their illness from their medical practitioner. Furthermore, the patient can either voluntarily consent or refuse treatment from the medical practitioner treating him/her except in case of emergency or life-threatening situation.
- Patients at risk, in critical condition or near death, is entitled to receive urgent and immediate relief from their medical practitioner as necessary, regardless of whether the patient requests assistance or not.
- The patient has the rights to know the name-surname and the specialty of the practitioner under whose care he/she is in.
- It is the right of the patient to request a second opinion from other medical practitioner in other specialties, who is not involved in the immediate care of him/her as well as the right to change the place of medical service or treatment, as requested by the patient without prejudice.
- The patient has the rights to expect that their personal information are kept confidential by the medical practitioner, the only exception being in cases with the consent of the patient or due to legal obligation.
- The patient is entitled to demand complete current information regarding his role in the research and the risks involved, in order to make decision to participate in/or withdraw from the medical research being carried out by their health care provider.
- The patient has the rights to know or demand full and current information about their medical treatment as appeared in the medical record as requested. With respect to this, the information obtained must not infringe upon other individual’s rights.
- The father/mother or legal representative may use their rights in place of a child under the age of eighteen or who is physically or mentally handicapped wherein they could not exercise their own rights.
- Patients are responsible for cooperating with and following the recommendations of health care professionals during treatment and should be informed when compliance is not possible.
- Patients are responsible for providing complete and factual information and facts about medical conditions to responsible health care professionals. This will be useful for providing medical treatment and preventing serious adverse effects to the patient, including associated health care professionals.
- Patients are responsible for cooperating with and following hospital rules and regulations.
- Patients are responsible for treating health care professionals, other patients, and visitors with respect and courtesy.
- It is the responsibility of patients to avoid any actions that may interfere or interfere with the operation of health care professionals and public health personnel. Patients are responsible for working directly with hospital management representatives to resolve complaints, in accordance with hospital regulations.
- The emergency room is only for patients in emergency and life -threatening conditions. Healthcare Providers are allowed to use their own discretion in choosing treatment according to their medical knowledge, evidence -based medical treatment options in a particular context and limitations as well as to consult or refer to patients when deemed appropriate for the maximum benefit of patients.
- Patients have a responsibility to be aware that “resources in the public health system are of high value and limited”. Any patient actions that may result in the loss of vital resources may affect the patient’s own medical treatment and so on.
- Patients should not waste medical resources unnecessarily.
- Patients have a responsibility to respect the privacy of health care professionals and other patients in a medical facility. Taking pictures and recording video and sound, or any other similar action without prior permission is prohibited.
- Patients should ask questions to fully understand all information provided to patients including possible risks before accepting or refusing medical treatment. However, if there are any questions or misunderstandings, please notify the relevant parties.
It is the responsibility of patient to know that “Neglect or Non-compliance with the above details” may affect the patient’s own medical treatment, damage to the medical facility or affect other patients. Therefore, non-compliant patients will be subjected to penalties as provided by law, following publication in the Royal Thai Government Gazette (Announced on 23 June 2020)
- Maintain social distancing of at least 2 meters from other people.
- Avoid crowed place and wear a facemask all the time while inside the plane.
- Do not use your hands to cover your mouth to avoid contamination if you are coughing and sneezing while wearing a mask.
- Try not to touch frequently touched counters or digital touch screens.
- Practice a healthier lifestyle by eating healthy foods, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, etc.
- Seek immediate medical help if you have any symptoms such as fever, cough or breathing difficulties.
- Avoid touching surfaces
- Such as counter tables, digital touchscreens, etc. If you happen to touch these areas at some point, wash your hands if there is an available soap and water for 20 seconds or clean your hands with 60% alcohol solution.
- Maintain social distancing
- Stay at least 2 meters apart from others to maintain social distancing.
- It is best to travel during non-peak hours to avoid crowed.
- Practice hand hygiene
Always clean your hands with 60% alcohol solution every time you have to enter or leave the transportation or stations.
Wash your hands if there is an available soap and water for 20 seconds once you have reached your destination.
If social distancing is unavailable, always wear your mask.
Telemedicine is an established model of treatment in the medical field that may help give access to many people in need of treatment. Telemedicine, the simply way to meet your doctor.
We are provided the Real-Time Video Call by ZOOM, WhatsApp and WeChat for our patients from 8.00 - 20.00 hrs for all medical centers.
Terms of Service :
By Bangpakok 9 International Hospital Privacy Policy to protect patients personal information in accordance with legal requirements from Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act BE 2562 (PDPA) effect on 1 June 2021 and guidelines for processing patients personal data in accordance with the privacy policy.
Patients provide personal information by specifying or marking on the Consent form for contacting or receiving services with Bangpakok 9 International Hospital, while visiting or website or other applications that the hospital uses to provide services, patient are deemed to have agreed and accepted with the privacy policy.
Preparation before receiving the service:
According to the privacy of medical information service, patients should have privacy location, stable internet, and should have an ID card or passport to verify patient identity before receiving the service.

Just 3 step
- Send us the inquiry
- Make a payment to Get a link from a professional team
- Click the link to see a doctor via TeleConsultation
For inquiries : Email: [email protected] Tel. +66 2109 9111