Bangpakok Hospital
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bSmart Center

   BPK9 International Hospital has established the bSmart Center in order to promote opportunities for children to get access to stimulating treatments of IQ and EQ development. The center is equipped with specialized doctors from variety of fields to help children of age from 0 to 18 years old.

    At the bSmart Center, the medical team works together to achieve the same goal. By using modern technology, the facility has been specifically designed to stimulate training, for example, speech therapy room has been set up with one side mirror for observation while practicing, a behavioral correction room, a snoozelan room including equipment to monitor IQ, personality, reading and writing abilities.

Our Services
  1. Assessment of the child’s development and behavior
  2. Treatment related to development deceases, learning, behavioral and emotional disorders in children and adolescents, such as short concentration, slow speech and autism.
  3. IQ, personality and literacy skills evaluation
  4. Development and speech stimulation, behaviors adjustment and group activities
  5. Individual and family psychotherapy.
  6. Parenting & child’s behaviors consultation for different ages.
Our Team
  • Pediatricians for behavioral development
  • Pediatricians for children and adolescent psychology
  • Speech therapist
  • Physical therapist
  • Clinical Psychology / Developmentalist Clinic
Operating Hours :

Sunday – Friday, 08.00 – 18.00
Saturday, 0800 – 20.000 
bSmart Center, 2nd Floor of BPK9 International Hospital   

Contact Us :
Telephone : +662-109-9111 ext. 10830
Call Center : 1745

Doctor Speciality

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