Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation

Our Rehabilitation Center provides a comprehensive approach to patients who have experienced cardiac events or have been diagnosed with lung diseases or disorders. The treatment focuses on restoring the patient mobility after a long stay on hospital bed in order to reduce any underlying diseases. Special physical therapy techniques are trained for position arrangement, chest percussion and vibration, suction, proper coughing. Examples of conditions treated are as follows :
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseaseor COPD patient
- Neurological surgery patient
- Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) or Bypass patient
- Patient after Coronary artery surgery or Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
- Pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, Lung abscess patient
Treatment Purpose
To assure that medical, physical and emotional are addressed during recovery from acute cardiac or pulmonary illness or surgery. Our team aims to help the patient regain independence in self-care at home.
Who should get the treatment ?
The program is for patients who have experienced cardiac events or have been diagnosed with lung diseases or disorders.
- Parallel bar
- BOSU exercise
- Exercise ball
- Bicycle ergometer
- Theraband
- Gait aids, for example, walker, cane, tripod cane
- TENS, SWD, US, LASER, etc.
- Hot pack
- Shoulder wheel
- Shoulder pulley
- Sand bag, dumbbell
- Chest vibrator
An individualized treatment plan is established which will address areas of deficiency and will work to achieve the goal. The length of rehabilitation will vary depending on severity of the symptoms and the patient’s goal of rehabilitation. Physical therapies are coordinated with any ongoing medical treatment prescribed by the treating doctor. The frequency of visits would be determined after a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s condition and capability, usually each physical therapy session is approximately 1 hour.
Operating Hours :
Open Monday – Sunday, 08.00 – 20.00
Rehabilitation Center, 6th Floor of Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Rehabilitation Center, 6th Floor of Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
For more information :
Telephone : +662–109–9111 ext. 10627, 10628
Call Center : 1745
Call Center : 1745