Laser Vagina Firming

Laser Vagina Firming Program is designed for ladies who have vaginal relaxation syndrome and/or stress urinary incontinence. These indications are generally associated with overstretching of the vaginal canal during childbirth as well as natural aging. The program is not only internal rejuvenation but it is also for external rejuvenation or labia rejuvenation, providing you a brighter and smoother at labia surface. You will experience a greater sexual satisfaction and a better appearance of the treated area.
Laser vagina firming does not require many preparation steps as the operation’s. Avoid taking the treatment 7 days before and after your period. The doctor will explain about the possible complication, and you will feel a little bit warm or hot around the vagina area during the treatment which is in the level that you can resist.
Operating Hours :
Monday – Sunday, 08:00 – 20:00 hrs.
Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Center, 9th Floor , Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
For more information :
Telephone : +662-109-9111 Ext. 10920, 10921
Call Center : 1745