Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal

We treat patient with both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions, including joint and muscular pain as a result of injury, disease, degenerative process, as well as post-operation rehabilitation from orthopedic surgery as the following :
- Ankle injuries
- Sport related injuries
- Neck, shoulder, back, and knee problems
- Pain, numbness, tingling from pinched nerve
- Plantar fasciitis
- Post operative rehabilitation from total joint replacements and fractures
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS)
- Arm or leg numbness from herniated nucleus pulposus.
Treatment Purpose
Treatment plans plan will be designed to maximize the patient’s physical abilities in order to return to full functional daily activities.
Symptom and who should be checked
People who have musculoskeletal problem or have received shoulder, hip or knee joint replacement surgery
- Parallel bar
- Stall bar
- Balance board
- BOSU exercise
- Exercise ball
- Bicycle ergometer
- Theraband
- Putty
- Gait aids, for example, walker, cane, tripod cane
- Equipment for improve hand function
- Electrical Stimulation
- TENS, SWD, US, LASER, etc.
- Paraffin bath, hot pack
- Cervical-Pelvic traction
- Continuous passive motion : CPM of shoulder and Knee
- Shoulder wheel
- Shoulder pulley
- Sand bag, dumbbell
An individualized treatment plan is established which will address areas of deficiency and will work to achieve the goal. The length of rehabilitation will vary depending on severity of the symptoms and the patient’s goal of rehabilitation. Physical therapies are coordinated with any ongoing medical treatment prescribed by the treating doctor. It is possible for the patient to consult directly with Rehabilitation doctor (PM&R). The frequency of visits can be twice sessions daily, each session is approximately 1 hour which depends on the patient’s condition and capability.
Operating Hours :
Open Monday – Sunday, 08.00 – 20.00
Rehabilitation Center, 6th Floor of Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Rehabilitation Center, 6th Floor of Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
For more information :
Telephone : +662–109–9111 ext. 10627, 10628
Call Center : 1745
Call Center : 1745