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BPK Hotline

Our Doctors

Dr. Phattrawan Pisuchpen, MD.
Ophthalmological Surgery, Cataract, Cornea Cataract, Pterygium.
Location: Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Expert: Cataract, Cornea Cataract, Pterygium.,LASIK, ReLEx, SMILE, PRK,Ophthalmological Surgery.,Ophthalmology.,Refractive Cataract Surgery; Near-and Farsightedness, Astigmatism.,Vision Correction Surgery.
Dr. Pimchanok Bussakornruengrat
Dermatology, Beauty Medicine (Laser, Botox, Fillers)
Location: Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Expert: Aesthetics and Cosmetics. Skin Treatment. Skin Diseases. Botox & Filler Injection.,Botox & Filler Injection. Cosmetic Dermatology. Facial Care & Treatment. Facial Aesthetic & Cosmetic Treatment. Cosmetic Laser, Botox, Fillers.,Dermatology, Beauty Medicine (Laser, Botox, Fillers)
Dr. Pitchathorn Chitnelawong, MD.
Location: Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Expert: Eye Infections,Ophthalmological LASER Surgery,Ophthalmological Surgery,Ophthalmological Treatment,Ophthalmology
Dr. Pitchaya Amornvararak, MD.
Ophthalmology. Neuro-Ophthalmology.
Location: Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Expert: Brain Diseases/Injuries; Visual Symptoms, Disorders, Deficiencies.,Electroretinography, Optical Coherence Tomography, Multi-Focal ERGs.,Eye Muscle Spasms, Double Vision, Eyelid abnormalities, Diabetic Palsy.,Neuro-Ophthalmology, Surgery.,Optic Nerve Disorders; Optic Neuritis, Ischemic Neuritis, Leber Optic Neuropathy.,Pseudotumor Cerebri, Strabismus. Thyroid Eye Disease, Myasthenia Gravis,Visual Loss, Eye Movement Disorders.
Dr. Pitchayapa Sirikunakorn, MD.
General Neurology.
Location: Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Expert: Brain-Spinal Cord-Nerve Problems.,Central and Peripheral Nervous System; Evaluation, Treatment.,Concussion, Neck and Back Pain, Neuropathy, Vertigo.,General Neurology, Disorders.,Neurophysiology.
Dr. Pitipong Joopibal, MD.
Orthopedic Surgery. Sports Medicine.
Location: Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Expert: Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) and Meniscus Repair. Arthroscopic Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Reconstruction. Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair.,Cartilage Injuries. Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction.,Heat Illness., Concussions, Eating Disorders.,Knee & Shoulder Injuries, Tendonitis. Exercise-Induced Asthma.,Musculoskeletal Issues. Ankle Sprained, Bone Fractures.,Orthopedic Surgery. Sports Medicine, Treatment, Surgery.
Dr. Ploy Busagornruangrat, B.D.S
General Practice
Location: Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Expert: General Practice
Dr. Pongpanot Sornsakrin, MD.
Orthopedic Surgery, Musculoskeletal, Knees, Shoulders, Hip.
Location: Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Expert: Acute Traumatic Injury of Foot and Ankle (including Fracture – Dislocation).,Bone Fracture, Injuries.,Foot and Ankle Deformity (Flatfoot/Cavus Foot/ Equinus Foot/ Hallux Vagus Deformity).,Orthopedic Surgery; Musculoskeletal, Knees, Shoulders, Hip.,Primary and Secondary Osteoarthritis in Foot and Ankle.,Sport Injury in Foot and Ankle.
Assistant Prof. Dr. Pongserath Sirichindakul. MD
General Surgery, Organ Transplantation Surgery
Location: Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Expert: Alagille Syndrome, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Hepatitis A/B, Biliary Atresia, Hemochromatosis,ERCP : Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography,General Surgery,Hepatobilary Surgery,Liver Diseases,Organ Transplantation Surgery
Dr. Pornchai Khumsawat, MD.
Neurosurgery.,Palliative Care,Post Stroke Rehabilitation
Location: Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Expert: Geriatric Neurosurgery,Neuro-Diagnosis, Treatment.,Neurocritical Care.,Neuroendoscopic Treatment.,Neuromonitoring.,Neuronavigation.,Neurosurgery.,Neurotrauma.,Palliative Care in End stage of Life.,Post Stroke Rehabilitation.
Dr. Pornpahn Thienchanachaiya, MD
Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology
Location: Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Expert: Chronic Constipation, Chronic Idiopathic Constipation, Chronic Diarrhea,Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome,Gastrointestinal Tract Disease,Internal Medicine of Gastroenterology,Specialist of Gastroenterology, Endoscopy
Dr. Pranidhi Saraya, MD.
Internal Medicine of Cardiology. Interventional Cardiology.
Location: Bangpakok 9 International Hospital
Expert: Atrial Fibrillation. Peripheral Vascular Disease.,Cardiac Angioplasty, Stenting. Valvular Heart Disease.,Cardiac Catheterization; Damaged Vessels, Weakened Vessels, Narrowed Arteries, Overall Affected Parts of Heart Structure.,Cardiopathy, Adult Congenital Heart Disease.,Cardiovascular Diseases; Atherosclerosis, Stenosis/Ischemic, Thrombosis, Embolism.,Cardiovascular-Coronary Artery Disease
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