Bangpakok Hospital
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BPK Hotline


Exercise Stress Test

This is a primary checking for diagnosis and prognosis of cardiovascular disease for patients with a normal or near-normal resting electrocardiogram who are capable of adequate exercise. The test is performed in order to help the doctor indentify abnormal heart rhythms, to evaluate the effectiveness of cardiac treatment plan and to help develop a safe exercise program.

Health Screening

The center provides comprehensive health screening programs, designed to suit each individual’s need, according to their age, gender, lifestyle and work-related health risks. The Center is fully equipped with advanced medical equipments to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of results. Our physical exams and health check up are conducted by a team of dedicated doctors and nurses. Patients can expect to be completely satisfied with the quality and superior level of care as well as our dedication to the patient’s health.

Implant Dentistry

Dental Implant is a method of using an implant or dental implant to replace a real tooth root so that real teeth can be restored. Dental implant treatment is another option for those who lost their teeth and do not want to wear removable dentures.

Laser Vagina Firming

Laser Vagina Firming Program is designed for ladies who have vaginal relaxation syndrome and/or stress urinary incontinence. These indications are generally associated with overstretching of the vaginal canal during childbirth as well as natural aging. The program is not only internal rejuvenation but it is also for external rejuvenation or labia rejuvenation, providing you a brighter and smoother at labia surface. You will experience a greater sexual satisfaction and a better appearance of the treated area.

NK Cell Therapy (natural killer cells)

it is also called "natural killer cell" grouped under the white blood cell function meant for preventing and protecting the body from different kinds of pathogens

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a treatment to correct abnormalities in the oral area such as Injuries to the face, jaw, oral tissues, including the head and neck, which must be treated by a specialized dentist. It can be general tooth extraction, wisdom tooth surgery, or minor surgery, such as cutting the bones in the palate (Torus palatinus) and lower jaw (Torus mandibularis), and gum grafting surgery before inserting dental implant or major surgery under general anesthesia, such as Orthognathic surgery.

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